Sunday, June 7, 2020

Writing Cue...

Look very closely at something.

I mean, REALLY close, so you can see the grain, the pores, the stains, and the flaws.

What you look at is up to you.  It might be your garden fence, a piece of flaking plaster, a leaf, your own hand, an emery board, a lump of cheese....whatever takes your fancy.

The trick is to look close and for a long time.  Let your mind begin to see the shapes and textures and colours as abstract things, then maybe as concrete things - the way a cloud can suddenly look like a dog carrying a stick, once you're in the right frame of mind.  Let your mind wander but remain tethered to the object you're examining.  

Write a poem.  Whatever comes into your head.  It might be several different poems. It might end up miles from where it began. It might shoot off in different directions.  Just let your imagination go.

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