Monday, July 8, 2024

July's Writing Prompts


1. Thorn [This is the theme for the story, not necessarily the title]


2. ‘They held hands and jumped.' [you have to include this sentence somewhere in your story]


3. A story with one of the following titles: ‘How to Fall In Love’, ‘The Morning After’, ‘Herald’ or ‘Number 62’


4. Choose ONE word from each of three of the four columns below and write a story which uses all three chosen words:

January             fairground                     Birmingham                            buttercup

May                   circus                              Edinburgh                                sunflower

midnight          party                               Anglesey                                   bluebell

August               convention                    Barnsley                                   pimpernel                                   

October            Christening                    Lindisfarne                               deadly nightshade

twilight             funeral                            Donegal                                    hibiscus

Noon                 wedding                         The Cotswolds                        jasmine            


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