Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mid-month musings: August

 Overheard snippets of conversation which made me smile recently

At a local cricket match  :

Woman to her friend:  "Have you seen X since you broke up?"

Friend:   "Well, he is now a she. I saw him - or her - in Aldi the other day wearing a sun-dress and lipstick. [pause]  But he still services his wife."


[Yorkshire-folk are obviously much less conformist than I imagined!]

At a local garden centre:

Old man:   "We'll be queue-ing for hours, and a cup of tea costs a fortune. We can have some at home. The garden'll be full of kids. It's going to rain. I haven't brought my warm coat..."

Old woman:  "For Christ's sake, shut the fuck up!"

[So, old ladies do swear after all!]

At a local cafe:

 One waitress was on her lunch break and was eating a salad at a table in the corner. Another waitress walked past and said, with a disapproving voice: 'You're being very healthy, aren't you?'

To which the first waitress responded, with an apologetic shrug: 'I'm going out for tea later.'

[Think about this - one waitress disapproved of the other's healthy eating, and the other was apologetic about it!!!  No wonder Type-2 diabetes is on the increase!]


  1. Oh Lou, I read these out to my other half and we were in hysterics.
    Thank you so much...stand up comedy career???? xxxx

  2. I was just astonished and found them funny - I don't make a habit of listening in to other people's conversations, but these people were talking really loudly so you couldn't really avoid hearing them.
