Friday, January 15, 2021

Monthly writing prompts for 2021:

 What if...

January: ...aliens landed on your lawn?

February: were mugged by a little old lady?

March: ...Donald Trump revealed himself to a reptilian alien wearing an unconvincing 'human suit'?

April: ...your small child turned out to have a super-power?

May: found out you were a direct descendant of a famous person from history?

June: ...your new romantic partner turned out to be a terrorist?

July: ....your new best friend turned out to be a secret agent?

August: discovered you had the power to heal people?

September: ...the ship you were on sank and you were washed ashore a deserted island?

October: suddenly turned into a dog?

November: won a Nobel Prize?

December: suddenly discovered you were pregnant, even though you hadn't had sex in a year?

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