Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What I've been reading this week: Haven Wakes by Fi Phillips

Haven Wakes by Fi Phillips

I first became aware of this novel, which is aimed at the 11+ audience and published by Burning Chair Publishing, when Fiona mentioned it on the Open University's Write Club Facebook page. I downloaded it onto my kindle partly out of a sense of writerly solidarity - I like to support new authors - but also because I too am writing a fantasy novel aimed at the same age-group.  I didn't even find time to read it until recently but I wish I'd started sooner as it turns out to be a lively, entertaining, imaginative read.


The novel is set in a future version of our world, and begins excitingly with a mysterious shadow creature being chased and almost caught by two thugs and their mean, magical master, Kendra, who is searching for something.  As the narrative progresses, we discover that the magician is being employed by an even scarier magician, Winters, who is involved in the murder of the CEO of Haven Industries.  The murdered man's nephew, Steve Haven, is left at an unpleasant boarding school while his mother goes off to search for his missing father.  While his parents are gone, Steve is caught up in an increasingly mysterious and exciting adventure involving a magical place, Darkacre, attached to his own world but unseen by most 'workadays'.  He meets numerous fascinating and often frightening characters and learns things about his parents and his world.

The novel is the first in a proposed series, and it certainly caught my attention and sucked me into the narrative quickly.  Fi's style is fast-paced, compelling and readable - there are very occasional minor 'glitches' (too many characters are described as 'bone-thin', for instance), but only the sorts of things that people like myself, currently studying creative writing and engaged in a great deal of beta-reading, would notice.  The plot is original and there are some brilliant moments - I loved the fire imp, and Hartley was a wonderful character. There is genuine suspense and the action sequences are well-paced and well-controlled. Dialogue is plausible and helps to develop characters and move the plot along.  I haven't read the whole novel yet, but so far it has gripped me completely and I want to read on. I would have loved it when I was twelve or thirteen, and I am definitely enjoying it even now at my advanced age.

I hope Fi does write the sequels and I think this is a series that ought to find a loyal readership as I think it would appeal to any young reader who likes adventure, fantasy and intrigue, well-drawn characters and imaginative ideas.

You can find Fi at

Haven Wakes

*****      highly recommended - a 'must-read'
****         good - well worth taking the time to read
***           ok - will help to pass the time in a boring situation
**            not very good -  just about readable but flawed
*             not recommended - boring, offensive, badly-written or deeply flawed in some other way

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to be giggling at your exercise misfortunes Lou, but I too have been in a similar state - for me it was after deciding to tackle my trifid-like garden a few weeks ago. Oh for the wonders of Ibuprofen! Hope the aches subside soon. Nicola
